Zedro Proiektua Euskaraz / Le projet du Cèdre en français / El proyecto del Cedro en español / El projecte del Cedre en català / Il progetto di Cedro in italiano
There was a Cedar of Lebanon (Cedrus libani) of extraordinary dimensions in the Historic and Artistic Garden of the Bertiz Natural Park which dried up. Hence, it was necessary to act in order to avoid risks of accidents, as well as plan its replacement. The Cedar had a diameter of 148 cm at 1.30 m from ground level, with a total height of 31.50 m
The majesty of the tree made the managers of the Natural Park consider the possibility of maintaining a vestige of the cedar as a memory of its exceptional characteristics. Therefore, the project could not simply involve its elimination and replacement..
The tree was offered to the Pamplona School of Art in 2017 after asking around different local artists. The School not only understood the expectations of the management of the Natural Park but also saw the considerable potential of the tree and the great opportunity for our students of Sculpture who promptly adopted the approach of the Natural Park.
The School of Art proposed to leave 14 metres of the tree trunk with the most significant branches and drill in it a series of niches. The plan contemplated wooden sculptures representing the fauna of the region which would be created by the students of Sculpture to be subsequently placed in the niches.
In the end, five niches facing the path have been made and eight sculptures have been placed inside them. The task was completed in September 2018.
Collaboration in external, real projects with other organizations is a really important aspect of the Sculpture course which eventually enables our students to get their work exhibited in different places nearby. In fact, other works from our workshops can also be contemplated at the Uranga Park in Burlada, the streets of Zizur Mayor or the village of Gabarderal.
“A New Life for the Cedar of Bertiz” has been one of the most ambitious and satisfactory projects undertaken by the School of Art due to its dimension and the intrinsic beauty of the monumental tree. In addition, the Atlantic Region Section of the Local Administration, Environment and Rural Development Department of the Government of Navarra not only was very supportive and provided the technical and human resources required, but also understood the schools’ particular pace of work.
The three niches below are approximately 70 x 105 cm outside and the two highest are 60 x 90 cm. They have been painted in RAL colour to create a visual contrast between the tree, the niches and the sculptures.
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- Owl / Búho / Hontza. Camilo Castaño Parra
- Egyptian vulture / Alimoche / Sai Zuria. Luis Ascunce Ansorena
- Eurasian Nuthatch / Trepador Azul / Garrapoa. Natxo Loyola Eraso
- Bear / Oso / Hartza. Marta López Antón
- European Crested Tit / Herrerillo capuchino / Amilotx Mottoduna. Bea Itoiz Mugueta
- Wolf / Lobo / Otsoa. Estefanía Rubio Alfaro
- Fox /Zorro / Azeria. Tasio López de Gereñu Chocarro
- Bird / Ave / Hegaztia. Larraitz Ruiz Zeberio